Thai steamed fish


There are so many different ways to steam fish, tweaking the ingredients to give a different flavour. Here is a Thai version that is very light and easy to prepare. I used snapper, but you could use cod, haddock, coley or any white fish, or even salmon or trout  (not monk fish as its too dense). In this photograph I used pak choi and the thin Thai asparagus.

Thai steamed fish

2 fish fillets
thumb nail size piece of fresh ginger, peeled and sliced thinly
1 garlic clove, thinly sliced
1 chilli pepper, deseeded and sliced (I leave them in!)
zest and juice of 1 lime
2 tbsp light soy sauce
2 kaffir lime leaves
3 small pak choy, halved

Prepare your steamer by lining it with a large piece of foil. Gently place the fish fillets inside and scatter the ingredients over them, including the pak choi and asparagus, if using it, which you tuck in around the sides, so you can test the fish more easily to se if its ready! Finally drizzle the lime juice and soy sauce over the other ingredients, seal the package and steam for 15 minutes. Test the fish to see if it’s cooked by opening the parcel and slipping a knife or fork into the flesh. Serve with rice.

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